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- Written by Marie Jaeza Panlilio
- Category: News and Events
- Hits: 472
The National Center for Mental Health - Research Ethics Committee is invited to participate in the “4th PHREB Biennial Summit with the theme "The Changing Landscape of Ethical Research: Issues,Challenges, and Possibilities" on May 13, 2024 to May 14, 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City. The summit is being conducted by The Philippine Health
Research Ethics Board (PHREB), in coordination with the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD)
The summit was attended by Dr. Maurice L. Sañosa, REC Chair together with Mr. Mark Ryan Paguirigan, REC Social Scientist Member as representative of National Center for Mental Health - Research Ethics Committee.
The summit is dedicated to safeguarding ethical considerations and rights of human research participants, particularly those who are most vulnerable, amidst the emergence of new modalities, innovative technologies, and evolving models for both clinical and social research. It will explore the power, challenges, risks, and benefits associated with the utilization of AI in research. A key highlight of the event will be UNESCO’s guidance document and recommendations on the Ethics of AI in Research. Furthermore, it also intends to share the findings and way forward from the WHO Benchmarking Study on Ethics Oversight as part of strengthening governance and operational dimensions of research ethics committees. It is envisioned that the sharing of interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder perspectives and
experiences will help surface current gaps and limitations, pinpoint practical ways to address these challenges and issues, as well as leverage emerging opportunities and possibilities for maximum benefit.