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- Written by Tina Guillerme
- Category: News and Events
- Hits: 4048
The Department of Health and National Center for Mental Health, in collaboration with the APEC Life Sciences Innovation Forum (LSIF) and APEC Health Working Group (HWG), hosted the 2015 APEC Roundtable on Mental Health last August 25, 2015 at Shangri-la Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.
Participants from 16 APEC member economies, composed of health officials, mental health experts, academic and private sector representatives, attended the event which highlights the important role of mental health in promoting economic cooperation and advancing inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Roundtable is a vital part in Phase One of the APEC Roadmap to Promote Mental Wellness in a Healthy Asia-Pacific endorsed by APEC Ministers in Beijing, China in November 2014. The 2015 APEC theme “Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World” illustrates the APEC’s broad goals to attain productivity and enhance the quality of life of populations across the region.
Related article: Keynote remarks of Assistant Secretary Pauline Jean B. Rosell-Ubial at the APEC Round Table on Mental Health