One of our deliverables in the National Center for Mental Health’s Strategic Roadmap under Linkages is the institutionalization of a functional mental health referral system.

To make this happen, NCMH is partnering with #MentalHealthPH to come up with a comprehensive directory and profile of mental health services and service providers in the Philippines, that is user-friendly and readily accessible online.

The aim of this initiative is to link service users to service providers for them to have access to appropriate mental health services.

Last May 24, 2023, NCMH's Medical Center Chief II Dr. Noel V. Reyes and Chief Medical and Professional Staff II for Hospital Service Dr. Beverly A. Azucena, and #MentalHealthPH's Executive Director Mr. Roy Dahildahil and Secretary General Michael Angelo R. Pereira sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the Mapping and Directory of Mental Health Services in the Country. This has been witnessed by the NCMH Executive Committee and key representatives of #MentalHealthPh at the Pag-asa Hall of NCMH
Also present in the event are the PGS Core Team, and the lead implementors of Linkages Roadmap - the Office of the Special Concerns and the Public Health Unit.
